Labour with Gestational Diabetes… What do you need to know? Being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes can be hard! At Prepared for Birth, we focus on helping women prepare for the reality of their labour, with their specific circumstances in mind. There is so much to think about with your Gestational Diabetes diagnosis, and how you […]
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Why might labour be different if you have Gestational Diabetes?
In our last post about Gestational Diabetes, we mentioned that labour and birth might be different if you have this diagnosis. Here we will go into more detail about the two main interventions that you are more likely to be recommended. They are an Induction of Labour and Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring during labour. This […]
So you’ve been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes… What now?
In Australia somewhere between 12% and 15% of pregnant women are diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Most will be managed with diet and a small number will need medication (insulin injections or oral metformin). Whilst there are a number of risk factors that predispose the condition, such as family history or high BMI, for many women […]
Our Philosophy
A positive birth experience happens when a woman is feeling safe, listened to, she understands what’s going on around her, she is clear about the choices available and feels supported in the decisions she makes. When the birth is over, she can look back with no regrets. It is not about the actual choices made […]