Have you been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes?
Wondering how this will affect your labour and birth?
Being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes usually comes as quite a shock. Most women are so busy trying to understand how to manage the diabetes while pregnant (checking blood sugars, managing a new diet etc) that it can be well down the track before they have a chance to plan for labour and birth.
Sometimes the focus is so heavily aimed at managing diabetes in pregnancy, that women don't know what to expect in labour or how the diabetes will affect what happens to them on the day.
Most women with Gestational Diabetes go on to have a healthy baby and a positive birth experience, however Gestational Diabetes will affect how you are looked after in labour and the types of choices you will be given by your Health Care Providers.
This course will empower you to

Compare Prepared for Birth to traditional antenatal classes
Our online antenatal programs are designed by an experienced Registered Midwife. Jodie has spent many years working with women with high risk pregnancies, helping them achieve their preferred pregnancy and birth experience.
This program not only replaces a traditional hospital birth class, it covers in detail the specific needs of women who are labouring with Gestational Diabetes.
Why we created this course
In the video below, we talk about the program and what's different about it.
Scroll down for our downloadable checklist that will help you understand how your labour will be different and what information you will need in order to be prepared for birth when you have Gestational Diabetes.
What do we cover?
This might be your first birth, or you might have had a previous pregnancy and done some type of antenatal program. This program focuses on labouring as a woman who has been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes... how is it different, what to expect, and how to prepare with this in mind.
We accommodate all preferences for managing labour from relaxation techniques all the way to epidurals.
The Modules

What will you learn?
✔️ What do we mean by Health Care Provider
✔️ Understanding what Feeling Safe means to you
✔️ Why your labour is different
✔️ Why you might need an Induction of labour and when it might happen
✔️ What to expect and how to manage an Induction of Labour
✔️ How to prepare if you've had a previous difficult birth
✔️ Tools for Decision Making
✔️ Tips for partners and support people
✔️ What to do if your baby is overdue
✔️ What are the stages of labour and what you might experience
✔️ What is a posterior labour
✔️ Understanding your own perspectives on pain
✔️ Strategies for early labour
✔️ What are the pharmaceutical pain relief options
✔️ How you can manage pain with positions
✔️ Managing pain with mindfulness and breathing techniques
✔️ How to use massage, heat and water to manage pain in labour
✔️ How to put all the pain management techniques together in labour
✔️ Creating a birth plan you will actually use
✔️ Breastfeeding - setting up for success
✔️ Tips for feeding your newborn with a toddler in the house
✔️ Tips from mums for coping with a new baby in the house
Features and Benefits
The program includes some great features that allows flexible learning and will support you every step of the way in your conversations with your Health Care Provider.
Any Time, Any Place
Learn in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you. Life with kids and work is busy, so this program is designed with that in mind. Do a little bit at a time, or all at once, whatever works for you.
Blended learning
We all learn differently, so we have designed the program accordingly. There are a range of videos, worksheets, checklists and reading material to cater for all kinds of learners.
Specifically Tailored
Your situation is unique. We have created a 'one-stop-shop' for women who have been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Everything you need to know in one place.
The program is designed to help you make the right decisions for you, and you alone. We offer information and strategies to cover many preferences and will not push you one way or the other.
Support for Partners
Help for your partner or support person to prepare for their role in labour and birth. Content includes tailored information for the important people in your life at this special time.
Covers all the challenges and choices required to prepare for labour with Gestational Diabetes. The program will empower you to successfully navigate your way through the system and the options available.
How does the program work?
We use a wide range of media to suit many learning styles, including videos, audio downloads, checklists and templates.
The program is designed to help you work with your Health Care Provider, so we anticipate that you will use some of the downloads (printed or just on your phone) to discuss with them during your appointments. In order to be prepared for labour, your Health Care Providers need to know what is important to you and you need to know what they've got planned for you. These modules are designed to bring these two elements together so that you understand each other and you feel safe and ready for the birth of your beautiful newborn.
Wondering what labour is like with Gestational Diabetes?
Once given a diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes, many women are focused on all the things they need to think about in pregnancy - regularly checking blood sugars and keeping healthy with diet and exercise.
Labour might seem a way off, but there will be difference in your care during labour as a woman who has been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.
Download our Overview of how your labour will be different. You might use this as a prompter for your next conversation with your Health Care Provider to understand their point of view on how they would like to approach your labour and the birth of your baby.